Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Leadership - Alone is harder, together is better!

Our bespoke courses are tailored to meet the needs of your business and staff! 

We future proof your team through Coaching & Mentoring

  • Cultivating relationships by supporting leadership development through correction, instruction, encouraging dialogue, and clarity.
  • Women in Aerospace and Aviation Charter signatory and STEM experience
  • Supporting Cultural, Gender and Diversity
  • Floor, SMT, to Executive level
  • Reviewing roles and responsibilities Verses Strategy
  • Understanding Time Management
  • Creating Career Dialogues and Development- understanding their vision, setting targets and objectives
  • Completing PDPs and SWOT Analysis
  • Developing Leadership
  • Working with GROW Model - Keeping it 'Real'
  • Tracking progress - Monthly Tracker checks your progress against your personal and business goals.
  • Networking - linking like minded people, within your industry.
  • We walk through each scenario, utilising their talents to resolve leadership issues by rapidly solve, execute, and ultimately transform the outcome during urgent, critical, and complex situations.

What we Deliver:

Are best selling course is our bespoke  12-hour Professional Coaching and Mentorship Programme delivered over a 3-6month period,  supporting and developing  leaders throughout your industry.

Course 1 for individuals and groups

·      Meet and greet session with your candidate on site subject to social distancing rules then after on zoom, teams, or face-to-face as agreed by management.

·      Understanding their roles and responsibilities, how they contribute, and are they fulfilling their roles.

·      Completing a Career dialogue, understanding their vision, personal work references and how these link to personal and business performance and motivation.

·      Cultivating relationships and understanding differences between people depending on cultural assimilation and gender diversity. The differences in an approach, mannerisms, values, behaviours and beliefs.

·      Setting targets, goals and structures

·      GROW Model

·      SWOT Analysis

·      Developing a Personal Development Plan

·      Matching development to realistic options.

·      Progress Tracker

Summary Report including Key findings and recommendations.

Focus Group Sessions (2.5hours) – Leadership and Development for Women

What we can offer

- Support and Championing

- STEMs, educational, careers choices, Role Models

- Theirs and other Perceptions 

- Roles of Women in industry, home

- What changes they would bring or make

- Where do they see them and the company?

- Are we doing enough to encourage, support, etc?

- What can we do better?

- Questions and Answers 

- Summary Report including Key findings and recommendations


Millennial only all genders - Focus Group Sessions (2.5hours)

Improving millennial retention is a key strategy many organisations are struggling with today. In fact, studies show that 43% of Millennials plan to leave their job in the next two years. As the largest generation currently in the labour force, their willingness to leave is significant. These focus groups support the HR function to retain, build, review strategy, adapt changing organisational cultures and managing budgets.

-       Some organisations are combating decreased Millennial retention by launching reverse mentoring programmes

-       Engaging head on

-       Improves connection to the culture

-       Enables better inclusion

-       Improves diversity in the talent pipeline

-       Propels technology forward

-       Drives culture change

-       Understanding their goals

-       Why there are there

-       Summary Report including Key findings and recommendations

Time Management - (2hours x 2 sessions)

This requirement will be based on the information submitted from their Roles and responsibilities. Taking on the tasks now within your capability or skills set effects strategy and wasted time.

-       How they conduct their day

-       Getting the best value out of their time

-       Establishing and prioritising goals

-       What percentages is their own tasks, and which is others?

-       Understanding push back and saying No

-       Using the 4D System (Delete it, Delegate it, Do it now or Defer it)

-       Understanding the Top tasks

-       Reducing Meetings

-       Categorising work

-       Eliminate electronic time wasters

-       Organising your days can IT Help

-       Take care of yourself

Highly effective as an individual session however, can be delivered as a group

Gender & Cultural Diversity Audit

This audit is an anonymous questionnaire which can be conducted via interview or as an individual taking 15mins. Consisting of 35 questions and scored independently.  These questions are about how the individual feels about their environment, the company and how they perceive gender and cultural diversity. This report has provided companies a great insight into their employee’s views and enabling a knowledge-based approach to adapt changes embedding new organisational cultural changes.

These questionnaires would be distributed by M&BS, collected, and information analysed, and a summary report submitted for their deliberation. 

Women in Manufacturing Leadership Programme

Delivered by women, for women! 

Our objectives are:

Support each candidate to grow personally and within the business.
• Develop female leaders
• Create understanding around greater ownership and responsibility 
• Work through specific work-related scenarios and find solutions
• Increase creativity and self-awareness and motivation
• Close the manufacturing skills gap with female engagement
• Providing correction, instruction, encourage engagement, and clarity.  
• Building and cultivating relationships with all Stakeholders to Accelerate Growth & innovation.

Invest in your staff before someone else does! 
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